Monday, May 26, 2008

Assembling the Chassis!

Memorial weekend was a great opportunity to build up the chassis. It took Dad and I the entire three days to fully assmble the front and rear end. A suprise call from Aunt Noreen on Dad's cell, we were very excited to tell her about the progress. We had a great time.

Delivery of New Chassis

With much excitement and anticipation, and after five months of saving, the brand new chassis was delivered on May 20th, 2008. There is a lot of work ahead for the actual assembly of the chassis and I am very excited to start the build!

Frame and Chassis parts on pallet.

Chassis being loaded on to truck to delivery to house.

Dad with chassis at house.

Gerry checking out frame.

Gerry going though all the boxes!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Replacing Existing Firewall and Part of Floor

Beginning April 18, 2008 with completion on May 5, 2008 the firewall and part of the floor was replaced, repaired and primered. I'm very happy with the results.

Cutting out the existing firewall due to extensive holes.
and wanted to make sure I had enough clearance for the motor.

Getting ready to tack on the new firewall.

Clamping the firewall in place and getting ready to weld.

Chum (Lucy) stops by and gives approval.
Floor template has been created.

Firewall and new floor is being welded.

The body work is complete and the firewall is primered!